Category Archive: Daily Announcements High School

BCHS Announcement – May 5, 2021

BCHS ANNOUNCEMENTS May 5, 2021 Are you interested in having a say in your school or have cool new ideas? Then it is time for you to step up and become part of the Student Council. Pick up an election packet in the main office, 8B or 2D. Once your packet is completed, return to Mrs. …

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BCHS Announcement – May 4, 2021

BCHS ANNOUNCEMENTS May 4, 2021 Listen up Lancers – Tomorrow right after school are tryouts to sing at graduation. You MUST let Mrs. Brown or Mrs. Rinn know by the end of the school day today if you are interested. Be ready to sing and music with NO lyrics. Are you interested in having a say in …

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BCHS Announcements – May 3, 2021

BCHS ANNOUNCEMENT Monday, May 3, 2021 May is Mental Health Awareness Month! Mental Health conditions are common among teens and young adults. Did you know that 50% of all lifetime mental illnesses develop by age 14? Text 741-741 for help or talk to a trusted adult for help. Remember, we are all in this together …

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BCHS Announcements – April 30, 2021

BCHS ANNOUNCEMENTS Friday, April 30, 2021 Students who are signed up to get the vaccine today – please check out with your teacher before you leave class for your scheduled appointment.  If you or someone at home ordered school apparel – please remember to pick it up in the main office! Attention SENIORS! This is …

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BCHS Announcement – April 29, 2021

April 29, 2021 Listen up Creekers! Your fellow classmates have made it to the top 50! Please vote once per day until May 7th. Log onto Van’s Custom Culture to vote! We can win up to $50,000!! Are you looking for a fun way to explore a possible career this summer?  Check out the wall …

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BCHS Announcement – April 28, 2021

BCHS ANNOUNCEMENT Wednesday, April 28, 2021 JUNIORS – Please listen up to this important announcement regarding M-STEP testing tomorrow.   Last names beginning with A-E will report to the Auditorium for 1st hour.   Last names beginning with F-J will report to the Library for 1st hour.  Last names beginning with K-P will report to the Auditorium …

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BCHS Announcement – April 26, 2021

BCHS ANNOUNCEMENT April 26, 2021 Reminder to students signed up for drivers education classes with King of the Road Driving School – classes will begin today! Segment 1 class will be from 3:00 – 5:00 and Segment 2 class will be from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. Students should meet in the Distance Learning Room. Attention freshmen …

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BCHS Announcement – April 12, 2021

BCHS ANNOUNCEMENTS April 12, 2021 Attention students – Remember to take all your books and folders home for the 2 weeks of remote learning. Not having your material will not be an excuse for not getting your work done and handed in ON TIME! You’ve been warned!  =) Students who are signed up for driver’s …

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BCHS Announcement – April 9, 2021

BCHS ANNOUNCEMENTS April 9, 2021 Seniors – Check out the updated list of scholarship opportunities on the Class of 2021 Google Classroom, the bulletin boards in D-Wing and the Lancer Lounge, or on the BC website. Attention any Senior interested in creating the Senior Shield for the Class of ’21 – Create a rough draft …

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BCHS Announcement – April 8, 2021

BCHS ANNOUNCEMENTS April 8, 2021 Seniors – Check out the updated list of scholarship opportunities on the Class of 2021 Google Classroom, the bulletin boards in D-Wing and the Lancer Lounge, or on the BC website. Attention any Senior interested in creating the Senior Shield for the Class of ’21 – Create a rough draft …

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