Category Archive: Daily Announcements High School

BCHS Announcements – February 15, 2021

BCHS ANNOUNCEMENTS February 15, 2021 Hey Lancers, it’s time to be kind. Wednesday is Random Acts of Kindness Day. So in celebration of this, Creekers for a Cause has planned a week of fun things.  Tomorrow-Time to Shine Day. Wear yellow to support Mrs.Bredt, a teacher at Bullock Creek Elementary, with her battle with cancer. …

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BCHS Announcements – February 11, 2021

BCHS ANNOUNCEMENTS February 11, 2021 Hey Lancers, it’s time to be kind. Next Wednesday is Random Acts of Kindness Day. So in celebration of this, Creekers for a Cause has planned a week of fun things. Monday-Time to Wake Up Day. Wear your pajamas or comfy clothes to school and enjoy some free hot cocoa and …

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BCHS Announcements – February 10, 2021

BCHS ANNOUNCEMENTS February 10, 2021 Don’t forget Lancers – Scheduling Request Sheets, along with dual enrollment and CTE applications, are due in the Counseling Center tomorrow. Tomorrow is your last day to purchase a Valentine’s flower for your friend or loved one. They will be sold during lunches, 1 for $2.00 or 3 for $5.00. Attention …

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BCHS Announcements – February 9, 2021

BCHS ANNOUNCEMENTS February 9, 2021 Today is the last day to register for the free ASVAB. If you are interested in taking this assessment, please stop by the Counseling Center by 3:00 pm. Scheduling Request Sheets, along with dual enrollment and CTE applications, are due in the Counseling Center by this Thursday. Hey seniors! Check out …

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BCHS Announcement – February 8, 2021

BCHS ANNOUNCEMENTS February 8, 2021 Hey Lancers!  Valentine’s Day is coming up so we’re going to do some spirit days this week in honor of that…and WINTER!! Tuesday is show your love for COMFY CLOTHES day!  Dress as you would to stay comfy and warm! Wednesday is show your love for WARMTH day!  Think wool sweaters, …

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BCHS Announcement – February 5, 2021

BCHS ANNOUNCEMENTS February 5, 2021 Hey seniors! Check out the senior portraits posted outside Mrs. Discher’s room, 5E. If your portrait is missing or there is a problem with how it appears, let Mrs. Discher know ASAP. This is how the portraits will print in the 2021 yearbook. Students wishing to dual enroll, take a …

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BCHS Announcement – February 4, 2021

BCHS ANNOUNCEMENTS February 4, 2021 Would you like to surprise your friends or loved one with a nice present for Valentine’s day? Next week, the sophomore class will begin taking orders for Valentine Day carnations. You can buy a single flower for $2 or 3 flowers for $5. Don’t miss out on the chance and …

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BCHS Announcement – February 3, 2021

BCHS ANNOUNCEMENT February 3, 2021 Seniors – Get ready for FAFSA February! Every week for the entire month of February Ms. Gross will be drawing a winner for an Amazon gift card. Any seniors who have completed their FAFSA and filled out the FAFSA survey will be eligible to win a gift card. To kick …

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BCHS Announcement – February 2, 2021

BCHS ANNOUNCEMENT February 2, 2021 After School Intervention will be starting up again on Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s from 2:50 – 4:05 in Mrs. Sawicki’s room 11D. Work out a plan with your teachers to make up tests or late work ahead of time.  Our first sessions for 2nd semester will be today and tomorrow. HEY …

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BCHS Announcement – February 1, 2021

February 1, 2021 Attention SENIORS! Do you know who has the best laugh in the senior class or who is most likely to become Tik Tok famous? Share your opinion by voting in the SENIOR MOCK ELECTIONS! You can vote by logging onto the senior Google Classroom. Your votes must be in by the end …

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