Category Archive: Principal News Middle School

BCMS Reminders

Dear BCMS Families, Please let me share a couple of reminders… 1.  We are having a dance tomorrow after school.  The dance will go from 2:30-4:00.  Please make arrangements to pick your child up at 4:00.  During pick up time, the north parking lot may be congested, I encourage parents to use the bus loop as well. *Available …

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BCMS Reminders

Dear BCMS Families, Just a couple of quick reminders for the week… 1.  Parent/Teacher conferences are TONIGHT 3:00-6:30pm & February 19th 4:00-7:30pm 2.  BCMS dance on Thursday, February 14th 2:30-4:00pm 3.  No school on Friday, February 15th We look forward to seeing families at conferences tonight! Curt Moses

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BCMS News & Notes

Dear BCMS Families, We’re wrapping up another short week at school, however, it’s great to see the students back in class today. Let me share a couple of important bits of information. * Expect to see reports cards come home on Monday. * PT Conferences—February 11th 3-6:30 & February 19th 4-7:30 *NO SCHOOL on Friday, February 15th *MS …

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BCMS Conferences – Cancelled

Dear BCMS Families, Due to today’s school cancellation and weather conditions, conferences for today (2/7/19) have been cancelled. Today’s conference date has been rescheduled for Tuesday, February 19th from 4:00-7:30pm. Please remember we will be hosting the first night of conferences on February 11th 3:00-6:30pm.  We look forward to seeing you there. Curt Moses

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BCMS News & Notes

Dear BCMS Families, It’s been a crazy week with some record-setting temperatures.  Now it looks like temps are going to swing back in the other direction for the next few days.  While we miss having the kids in school this week, safety is our first priority and we look forward to seeing everyone back in school …

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BCMS News & Notes

Dear BCMS Families, We have now reached the halfway point in the school year and this marks the end of the first semester.  Report cards will be sent home with students on Monday, February 4th. Today is a scheduled ½ day for BCMS, we will release students at 10:30am.  NO SCHOOL tomorrow, January 25th. I …

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BCMS Survey

Dear BCMS Families, Please take a couple of minutes to complete the following survey.  We value your input and find it important as we work to continuously improve our school.  This short survey will provide feedback we can then use to refine classwork, homework, extracurricular activities and school/home communications.  Thank you for taking the time to …

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BCMS Message

Dear BCMS Families, Today we had an opportunity to work collaboratively with the Midland Police Department and their K-9 unit.  In conjunction with today’s safety drill, MPD was able to conduct a training exercise with their K-9 unit throughout the building.  We greatly appreciate the opportunity to work with the Midland Police Department while continuing …

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BCMS News & Notes

Dear BCMS Families, We have a lot going on in the next couple of weeks here at school.  Let me share some important information and dates. 1.  January 18th –  8th grade students will be participating in our annual ‘Reality Store’ program. 2.  January 24th – End of marking period 2/semester – ½ day for students.  Dismissal …

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BCMS News & Notes

Greetings BCMS Families, Here we are ready for our holiday break.  Just a few items to share with families before break begins. 1.  We had a wonderful week with the kids.  They’ve done a fantastic job participating in our Spirit              Days and enjoying themselves this week.  Thank you for …

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