Category Archive: Principal News Middle School

BCMS Announcements – April 19, 2017

Robotics Team meeting on Thursday, 2:30 – 4:45 pm. Popcorn for sale on Thursday.  $1.00 per bag or add cheese for $1.25. We will not be selling donuts on Friday this week. The final Student Council Fund raiser has just begun!  It is an online Lancer Apparel sale!  Please check the district website and the …

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BCMS News & Notes

Greetings, Let me share a few things that are happening at BCMS in the next week or so. *8th grade MSTEP has begun and testing is currently underway.  We’ll be assessing 8th grade students on the following days – April 12, 13, 18 & 19.  Having a good rest and healthy breakfast on test days will go a …

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BCMS News & Notes

Greetings, Let me share a couple of important notes before we begin spring break. *March 31st – Spring break begins and marks the end of the 3rd marking period *April 10th – Classes resume *April 13th – Report cards will be sent home M-Step begins for some students the week we return from break.  Please read the following information regarding the test. …

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BCMS News & Notes

Greetings, Let me share a few things going on at the middle school this week. – March 31st -End of the 3rd marking period – March 31st – Beginning of spring break – April 10th – Classes resume Attached you will find the 2017/18 school calendar and a letter from Superintendent Hale. Next week is SPIRIT week… Monday – Maui Monday, …

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BCMS News & Notes

Greetings, What a crazy end to last week!  I can’t recall losing power for a 4 day stretch in the last 20 years.  It was a tough 4 days for those families who were affected by the power outage.  Thankfully, the middle school outage began about 10:15 on Wednesday, which only left us 15 minutes of class remaining …

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BCMS News & Notes

Greetings, Let me share a few important things going on in the next few weeks. *Just a reminder to all parents that the 7th and 8th grade students will be taking the PSAT test on Wednesday, February 22, 2017 from 7:40 – 11:30.  It is very important that your child be present and on time to …

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BCMS News & Notes

Greetings, Back to freezing temperatures and wintery weather.  Sounds like the groundhog saw his shadow and we’ve got 6 more weeks of winter to deal with.  Get outside this weekend and enjoys the sunshine while it lasts. Thanks for the great turnout at freshman orientation this week at BCHS.  Hopefully this provided families with the information …

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BCMS News & Notes

Greetings, Winter weather is back!  Please be extra careful at drop off time.  The drop lanes get very slick with all the stop and go traffic.  We will continue to salt those areas and attempt to provide as much traction as possible. *February 1st- Freshman orientation + Freshman Parent Night at the HS @ 6:00pm. …

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BCMS News & Notes

  Greetings, Just a couple of quick reminders for you this week. *NO school on Monday, January 23rd.  Classes resume on Tuesday, January 24th. *Today marks the end of the first semester.  Second semester begins on Tuesday. *Report cards are scheduled to go home with the students next Friday. *February 1st is our freshman orientation and …

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BCMS News & Notes

Greetings, Today is another day of unsafe traveling and no school.  Weeks like these are tough to get get into a routine.  I’ll keep this communication short but there are a few important messages I need to pass along. *Here is a message from Mrs. Brandt regarding the MS play tryouts… BULLOCK CREEK MIDDLE SCHOOL PLAY …

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