Category Archive: Principal News Middle School

BCMS News & Notes

Greetings, Next week is an important week for the middle school;  M-STEP testing begins.  The state test is an important part of our year and testing for 8th grade will begin next Tuesday.  Please see my attached letter outlining important testing dates, rules and guidelines.  Families should read this letter and discuss the information.  If …

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BCMS News & Notes

Greetings, The calendar says spring but the weather outside tells a different story.  I vote for spring!  I have a few important dates to share. -March 24th (tomorrow) is the end of the term -March 25th-April 4th Spring Break -April 11th Report cards are sent home Here are a few general reminders… -Excused absences require …

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BCMS News & Notes

Greetings, Happy Friday!  Here are a few reminders for the upcoming weeks. -March 24th is the end of the 3rd marking period -No school on March 25 -SPRING BREAK officially begins on March 28th -RETURN to school on Tuesday, April 5th -April 14th Middle School Dance (students MUST be picked up by 4:00!) *7th & …

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BCMS News & Notes

Greetings, A couple of important items to share as we begin the week.  Heidi Pitt has made a change and left the middle school to pursue other options.  Heidi has been an important part of our building and will be missed by everyone. Karen Sieffert has taken her place and will be the new contact …

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BCMS News & Notes

Greetings, What a beautiful week of weather and such a difference from last week at this time.  As we approach spring the MS seems to be getting busier. * Track and Field sign up sheets for 7th & 8th grade students are in the office * D.A.R.E. spaghetti dinner is TONIGHT * March 24th is …

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BCMS News & Notes

Greetings, The MS play is outstanding!  If you have an opportunity to see the last performance on Saturday at 2:00, please take advantage of it.  Valerie Brandt and Sarah Leboeuf-Brown directed the play and I would like to recognize their dedication to putting on a wonderful show. I want to thank all the families that …

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BCMS News & Notes

Greetings, Another snowy day in Bullock Creek.  The roads are already bad and the worst is yet to come.  Be careful if you’re out and about today. I will be brief but let me pass on some important information. Parent/Teacher conferences on Thursday, March 3rd will be drop-in only.  The teachers will be set up …

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BCMS News & Notes

Greetings, Welcome back to school!  Hopefully that was a great 5 day stretch and shoveling wasn’t the only thing that was accomplished.  We have a lot of things happening at the MS this week.  Let me run down a few of the essentials… *Parent/Teacher Conferences are on March 3rd 4:00-7:30 (drop in) and again on …

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BCMS News & Notes – Snow Day Edition

Greetings, Gas up the snowblowers and grab the shovels, you’re going to need them!  Let me pass a few things along to you before the snow begins to fall.  Here is what’s going on in the next couple weeks here at the MS… -Our Middle School Play performance will take place on March 3 at …

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BCMS News & Notes

Greetings, I hope everyone has an opportunity to get outside and enjoy the beautiful day.  The forecast shows the temperature reaching a balmy 52 degrees today.  I will keep my note short, but let me share a few things happening at the MS. *Think spring!  I am attaching a couple of notes from both Westown …

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