Category Archive: Principal News Middle School

Middle School Principal News 05/02/13

Good Morning, There is a middle school dance today after school from 2:30-4.  This will be the last school middle school of the 2012-13 school year. Posted on the district webpage under middle school principal news are a few attachments: West Midland Family Center Adventure Childcare Camp 2013 WMFC Midland Center for the Arts Summer Camps MCFACAMPS …

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Middle School Principal News 03/28/13

The end of third quarter is today, when students return from Spring Break on April 8th, fourth quarter will begin.  At that time all students will go to their 4th hour teacher for Academic Center.  Teachers will submit grades by April 11th.  Attached to the report card you will receive the week of April 15th …

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Middle School Principal News 03/15/13

Good Afternoon, Just a quick reminder that we have parent and teacher conferences on March 19th from 4-7:30pm and March 21st from 3-6:30pm.  The end of the 9 week term for all Core classes is on March 28th.  The new term will begin on April 8th.  This is a great time to come in to …

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Middle School Principal News 02/27/13

The Bullock Creek Middle School play, “Hillbilly Reunion”,  will open on February 28th at 7:00pm in the high school auditorium.  Middle School students will have the opportunity to see the play during the school day on Friday March 1st and there will be a final showing of the school play on Saturday March 2nd in …

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Middle School Principal News 02/11/13

The 7th and 8th grade volleyball game for tonight will be canceled.  The first volleyball games will be on Wednesday February 13th beginning at 4:15pm. There is a Middle School dance scheduled for February 14th from 2:30-4.  Admission is $2.00 Count day is February 13th. The annual ski trip is scheduled for February 13th.  Students …

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Middle School Principal News 01/31/13

Second semester has begun and things are flowing smoothly.  Report cards from first semester will be sent home with students on Monday February 4th.  Included on the report cards are the grades from 1st quarter, 2nd quarter, exam grades (if an exam was given) and the final semester grades. Homework Help (2H) is every Tuesday …

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Middle School Principal News 01/17/13

Happy Thursday! The annual ski trip to Snow Snake is scheduled for Feb. 13th. We will dismiss students attending the trip between 12:30 and 12:45 on Wednesday and return by 7:00 pm that evening. The cost is $12.00 for a lift ticket, $12.00 for ski rental, $22.00 for snowboard rental. Please have a ride at …

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Middle School Principal News 01/09/13

Welcome back!   Hopefully you had a very enjoyable Christmas break or maybe you are exited about your kids returning back to school. Either way, we are exited to have kids back in school. Our first term ends on January 24th.  Students will be given a grade for term two and a semester grade.   The semester …

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Middle School Principal News 12/14/12

Next Monday there will be a home 7th grade boys basketball game beginning at 4:15pm. Beginning at 7:15pm on Monday, the 6th and 7th grade bands will be presenting their Christmas Concert in the High School Auditorium. There will be a home wrestling meet on Tuesday beginning at 4:00pm There will be a home 8th …

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Middle School Principal News 12/10/12

Vision testing will be conducted for all 7th graders throughout the day on December 10th and 11th. Attached is a flyer from the Midland Center for the Performing Arts.  Students are invited to be part of a drawing, painting and photography class that will be hosted in the Middle School by the Midland Center for …

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