Category Archive: Principal News Middle School

Middle School Principal News 9/19/12

Good Afternoon, Thank you to all who were able to attend the open house last Thursday.   We enjoyed the opportunity to meet so many of our Middle School families.  Our fall Parent and Teacher Conference will take place the 23rd and 25th of October.  If you were unable to stop by for the open house, …

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Middle School Principal News 9/12/12

Week two is under way.  We have many exciting things happening this week. On Thursday September 13th from 2:30-4:00pm we will be having a school dance.  Following the dance from 4:00-5:30pm we will be hosting our annual  Welcome Back Barbecue.  When you come to pick up your Student(s), stop in to meet teachers and enjoy …

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Middle School Principal News 9/5/12

The first day went very well.  We are so excited to work with your children throughout the coming year.  We are sending home a few items to be reviewed and signed, which we covered during 4th hour of the first day.  Please take time to review the handbook with your child and sign the back …

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Middle School Principal News 6/4/12

June 4, 2012 Dear Bullock Creek Parents, It is with a heavy heart that I write this letter. As many of you know, Mr. Krenzke has battled with brain cancer for the past 5 years. On May 18, 2012, he made the decision to retire from education in order to spend valuable time with his …

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Principal News Middle School 5/30/12

Good Morning, Attached is a schedule for the last day of school which is June 7th.  Students will be released at 11:00 am There is also an attachment for some summer programs for the Midland Center for the Arts. teenFlyer2012 – theatre focus DA (PDF) I have received a few emails in the last couple days regarding …

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Principal News Middle School 3/19/12

Good Morning, End of the nine week term is March 23rd.  Grade reports will be sent home with students on March 30th.  MEAP reports will be attached to the report card.  Please look over the MEAP results with your child.  Remember that the state has changed the cut score for a student to be considered …

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Principal News Middle School 03/05/12

Good Morning, Parent and Teacher Conferences are Tuesday March 6th from 4-7:30pm and Thursday March 8th from 3-6:30pm. The 6th grade will begin their fundraiser for Greenfield Village on Tuesday March 6th.  All forms are due back to Mrs. Willsie on March 19th and product delivery is April 10th. The trimester term ends for Encore …

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Principal News Middle School 11/18/11

Happy Friday!  I would like to wish everyone a happy and safe Thanksgiving as I know many of you will be traveling to be with family sometime in the coming week.  Next week we will have school on Monday and Tuesday.  There will be no school on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Locker clean out will …

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Principal News Middle School 11/7/11

Today is the start of a new 9 week term.  Hopefully if your student was struggling with a lower grade than desired at the end of the last term, they will feel refreshed  to have a new beginning.  2H (Homework Help) will be available to students after school on Wednesday and Thursday from 2:30-3:30pm.  Please …

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Middle School Principal News 10/28/11

Happy Friday! MEAP is complete and has been shipped back to MEAP.  I just to take a moment to explain the changes in MEAP for 2011.  It is my understanding the test has not change much but the scoring has.  For those of you that attended the last Bullock Creek Board of Education meeting on …

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