Category Archive: Principal News Middle School

BCMS News & Notes

Dear BCMS Families, If you haven’t had an opportunity to take our BCMS survey, please do so by clicking the link below. 1.  February 13th – BCMS Dance 2:30-4:00pm  ($3) – please use both the north & south drives to pick up students; this will help alleviate congestion. 2.  February 14th – ½ day for students.  BCMS will release at …

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BCMS News & Notes

Dear BCMS Families, I have a few things to share with you this week. 1.  February 4th – Freshman orientation, students will travel to the HS for the program and then be released from the high school at 2:35.  That evening will be the parent program for incoming Freshman.  See attachment for details. 2.  Report cards will …

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BCMS News & Notes

Dear BCMS Families, 1.  REMINDER:  Today, January 24th ½ day, BCMS dismissal at 10:30am 2.  January 27th – NO SCHOOL 3.  February 4th – Freshman orientation.  All 8th grade students will bus over to the HS for an orientation.  We’ll leave BCMS at 11:15 and dismiss from the HS at 2:35.  Students riding a bus home will ride as usual.  If you …

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BCMS News & Notes

Dear BCMS Families, Just a few quick reminders… 1.  January 24th ½ Day for students – BCMS will dismiss @ 10:30 (no lunches served) 2.  January 27th – NO SCHOOL 3.  If your daughter is interested in playing softball she can get more information and sign up in the office through January 23rd.  Tryouts will be February 11-13 from 5:30-7:30 …

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BCMS News & Notes

Dear BCMS Families, I have a few reminders and a few things to share this week. 1.  Please see the attached flyer regarding a free parent and staff trauma informed learning opportunity.  Details and registration information can be found in the flyer. 2.  8th Grade Reality Store program (8th only) 3.  January 24th – ½ day for students.  BCMS will …

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BCMS News & Notes

Dear BCMS Families, *7th Grade boys basketball tryouts – A message from the coach… Dear Seventh Grade Parents, We will be holding basketball tryouts on January 6th – 8th here at the Middle School.  We will begin promptly at 2:35 and end at 4:25 each day.  Please be here to pick up your students at 4:30. …

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BCMS News & Notes

Dear BCMS Families, Just a few things to share this week… 1.  This week is Spirit Week! Monday – Santa hat day Tuesday – Christmas character day Wednesday – Ugly sweater day Thursday – Awkward family photo day Friday – 8th grade:  Red / 7th grade:  Green / 6th grade:  white 2.  The December dance has been cancelled. 3.  Holiday break:  December 23rd …

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BCMS News & Notes

Dear BCMS Families, Here are just a few things to know… 1.  CONGRATULATIONS to the 219 students who made the honor roll this marking period!  We’re very proud of you. 2.  BCMS Band concert on December 10th – 6th grade @ 6:30pm & 7th/8th grade @ 7:30pm.  This will be held at the BCHS Auditorium. 3.  Thanksgiving break begins …

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BCMS News & Notes

Dear BCMS Families, 1.  Report cards for marking period 1 will be going home with students today.  If you don’t see a report card tonight, please ask for it. 2.  November 27th begins our Thanksgiving break. 3.  December 3rd will be a ½ day for students – BCMS will release at 10:30 – no lunches will be served. 4.  December …

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BCMS News & Notes

Dear BCMS Families, Let me share a few important things happening at the middle school… 1.  November 2nd – BCMS Robotics @ the HS. The FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) Midland Qualifier robotics competition will take place from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 2, at Bullock Creek High School in Midland. Admission is free and the …

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