Category Archive: Superintendent News

Superintendent Covid Communication 7/31/21

July 30, 2021 Dear Bullock Creek Parents and Staff: I would like to begin this letter by letting you know that I hope your summer is going well and I hope you’ve all had time to find some normalcy and relaxation. This letter is intended to provide our most recent district updates with regard to …

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Remote Learning 4/13-4/23 for 6th-12th grade

Click here if your student needs technology at home. April 9, 2021 Dear Bullock Creek Parents and Staff: I am writing to inform you that following today’s recommendation from the Governor, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, as well as the Midland County Health Department, Bullock Creek School District will be moving to remote …

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All District Remote Learning 11/19 – 12/8

November 15, 2020 Dear Bullock Creek Parents and Staff: Good evening. Following Governor Whitmer’s announcement this evening at 6 pm, the Bullock Creek School District will implement the following plan: We will have all staff and face-to-face students report to school on Monday 11/16 and Tuesday 11/17 Students and staff will collect all necessary items …

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Students start 9/8/20

First day of school is now Tuesday, September 8th for both online and in-person classes.   Dear Bullock Creek Parents and Students: As you know, our district staff has been working very hard getting ready for the beginning of the school year. We have been working diligently putting our Return to Learn Plan fully in …

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District Update, Return to Learn Plan and online options 7/24/20

July 24, 2020 Bullock Creek Parents and Staff: Good morning! Last Friday I communicated with you about our fall return to learning plan and would like to provide you with opportunity to view a draft of our plans. On our district website we have posted the Governor’s Return to School Road Map, a copy of …

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7/17/20 Return to Learn District Update

July 17, 2020 Bullock Creek Parents and Staff: I hope this letter finds you well and you’ve enjoyed your 4th of July holiday. I am writing to provide an update on our plans for our return to school in the fall. On June 30th Governor Whitmer released her 2020-21 Return to School Roadmap and Executive …

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19-20 School Year Update 5/1/20

May 1, 2020 Dear Students, Parents, Staff, and Community Members: I trust this letter finds you all healthy and doing all you can to stay safe during this unfortunate pandemic. Thank you all for the hard work in helping make our distance learning possible. We are just completing the second “official” week of online instruction …

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Extended School Closure 3/23/20

March 23, 2020 Dear Students, Parents, Staff, and Community Members: On Thursday March 12, 2020 at 11:29 p.m., Governor Gretchen Whitmer announced that in order to slow the spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Michigan, she was ordering the closure of all K-12 school buildings to students starting Monday, March 16 until Sunday, April 5. …

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Coronavirus Information

March 6, 2020 Bullock Creek Parents and Staff: Last week on Friday, February 28, 2020, Governor Whitmer announced her plan to activate the State Emergency Operation Center to coordinate federal, state, and local agencies to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus Disease 2019. The Bullock Creek School District continues to closely follow the information released …

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Last Day of School June 12th

May 16, 2019 Dear Bullock Creek Parents and Staff: As you may have heard, last Friday on May 10th, Governor Whitmer signed House Bill 4206 into law. This now allows Michigan schools to apply to the Michigan Department of Education for forgiveness of days canceled during the declared state of emergency in late January. Today …

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