Category Archive: Superintendent News

Superintendent News 8/15/13

Dear Bullock Creek Community: I  hope  this  letter  finds  you  well  rested  and  enjoying  this  beautiful  Pure  Michigan  fall….er…summer weather! Regardless of the season, it seems as if it is Springtime in Bullock  Creek! Springtime; a state or time of great activity, thriving or achievement.   So what is happening in our schools to warrant …

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Superintendent News 5/15/13

Much has been made recently regarding the State of Michigan’s adoption of the Common Core Curriculum and its impact on our students. I have included in this post the most recent policy brief that the Michigan Association of School Administrators has developed regarding the Common Core Curriculum. I believe this brief, which is supported by several …

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Superintendent News 1/21/13

What a Great Weekend to be a Lancer! That thought has been reverberating through my mind for the last couple of days as I reflected on the events of this past Friday and Saturday. In case you missed it, here is a quick rundown. On Friday our community came together once again to help one …

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Superintendent News 12/21/12

December 21, 2012 Dear Bullock Creek Students, Parents, and Staff: With the Holiday break upon us and Christmas just a few days away it seems like an appropriate time to reflect on the events of this past week. First and foremost, our hearts still break for the community of Newtown, Connecticut and specifically the 20 …

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Thoughts and Prayers with the Community of Newtown

Thoughts and prayers are with the children, staff members, families, and community of Newtown, Connecticut, following the incredibly tragic events at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Because this news may be difficult for many of us to understand, the link below, from the National Association of School Psychologists, provides tips to parents and staff on talking …

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Superintendent News 8/8/12

Dear Bullock Creek Families: Welcome Back! So I figure you’re really happy to hear from me, or you are dreading this letter…depending on how your kids have behaved thus far this summer!  Regardless, this annual letter signifies the imminent arrival of the school year and I for one can’t wait! I am beginning my 19th …

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Nature Kindergarten – New for 2012!

We are excited to inform you of a new collaboration to enhance Kindergarten education at Floyd Elementary School. Bullock Creek School District and Chippewa Nature Center are taking initial steps to integrate nature into our kindergarten classrooms in the 2012-13 school year at Floyd Elementary School. Demand for this pilot project is based on the …

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Keeping Kids Off the Summer Slide

Keeping Kids Off the Summer Slide Something is waiting for many children each summer and their parents don’t even know it’s out there. It’s called the “summer slide,” and it describes what happens when young minds sit idle for three months. As parents approach the summer break, many are thinking about the family vacation, trips …

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Superintendent News 12/2/11

“PROFICIENCY” ON STATE –REQUIRED TESTS HAS A NEW DEFINITION The Bullock Creek School District is taking a proactive approach to communicating with parents and the community concerning scoring changes to the Michigan Educational Assessment Program (MEAP) and Michigan Merit Exam (MME) tests this year. Each year, Bullock Creek students along with all other Michigan public …

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Student Achievement Scores on State Tests Set to Increase Dramatically

I am quite certain that you have either read in the news or heard on the radio or television that expectations for our students on both the National and State level are higher and more rigorous than ever before. I have attached an article from the Detroit News that does a great job outlining the …

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