Category Archive: Principal News Bullock Creek Elementary

Principal News Bullock Creek Elementary 4/13/12

Hello and Happy Friday! News and Notes for 4-13-12 1- Mother-Son Loons Game 4-26-12 2- Daddy-Daughter Dance 4-27 -12 3- Save the date!- PTO Carnival is May 11th.  More information will be coming in the following weeks. 4- Anyone interested in donating items for the Cake Walk (cakes, cupcakes, pies, cookies or per package desserts) …

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Principal News Bullock Creek Elementary (3/30/12)

News and Notes for 3-30-12 1- Please see the attached flyer regarding a fundraising event for Mary Juengel. Mary Juengel Benefit Flyer 2- The next PTO meeting is set for April 10th, 6:30 at Pine River.   (This date is a switch from the original schedule) 3- The dates have been set for the following PTO events: …

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Principal News Bullock Creek Elementary 3/23/12

Hello! News and Notes: 1- The Blood Mobile will be here March 30th from 1-5pm. 2- Spring break is March 31st – April 9th.  School resumes April 10th. 3- Please see the attached library newsletter from Mrs. Walters. 2nd trimester library newsletter2012 (PDF) 4- The PTO has set tentative dates for the following activities: Mother/son Loons game …

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Principal News Bullock Creek Elementary 3/16/12

Hello! I hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful weather… Let’s hope it lasts for spring break. 🙂 News and Notes: 1- A BIG THANK YOU to all of our parents who came out to McDonalds on Tuesday night!  We had a great turn out and raised close to $500.00 for our field day. 2- BCEL …

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Bullock Creek Elementary AR Night 2/28/12

Hello Parents! Just a quick reminder about AR night tomorrow from 5p.m. – 7p.m. Reminder notes went home with students today. Thank you and Happy Monday! Vicki Mikusko Bullock Creek Elementary Principal Bullock Creek Special Education Coordinator 631- 2418 ext 1105

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BCEL News and Notes 2/10/12

News and Notes for 2-9-12 * 1.  A special note about end of the day pick ups.   We ask that if you come in to sign your student out at the end of the day that you PLEASE wait for them up in the cafeteria.  We have had a problem with students being pulled out …

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BCEL Toys for Tots

Bullock Creek Elementary put together three huge boxes of toys for this season’s Toys for Tots campaign. Pictured is Mrs. Hedlund’s Kindergarten Class.

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Principal News Bullock Creek Elementary 11/18/11

Hello Parents! News and Notes for 11-18-11… 1- Save the Date!  BCEL will be holding a choir concert on Dec. 13th at the high school from 2:00pm – 3:15pm.  Kindergarten – second grades will be performing. (Young 5’s will not perform, but will be there to enjoy the performance)  – Please see the attached flyer …

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BCEL News and Notes 11/4/11

Hello Parents! 1- Last day of parent teacher conferences is Nov. 8th from 4:30 -8:00, Please sign up for a time with your child’s classroom teacher. 2- We still need people to sign up for the blood drive on Nov 8th. 3- The first Family Movie Night of the year at the high school will …

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BC Elementary News and Notes 10/28/11

Hello Parents! News and Notes for the week of 10-28-11 1- A big Thank You goes out to the parents that were able to help out today with parties!  It was great having you in the building! 2- Parent teacher conferences are Nov 3rd and 8th from 4:30 -8:00, Please sign up for a time …

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