Category Archive: Floyd Salmon Classroom

Watch the Salmon Grow

Hopefully you’ve had an opportunity to get on the fishcam and watch the salmon.  They’re getting to be quite large at this point.  You can really see the parr marks on the sides of the fish.  The tank has to have a water change a couple times a week and it still smells like a …

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Welcome Additions

Our fish have initially struggled with what now appears to be contaminates in the city water supply.  Last week a teacher from Saginaw High, who is also participating in the SIC program, brought 100 new fish to the tank.  Along with the fish he brought some good advice.  We are now adding a water treatment …

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The Salmon are Buttoned Up

The majority of the fish have now ‘buttoned up’ their yolk sac and look like little fish now.  They are large enough to eat stage 2 food.  Stage two food is exactly like stage one except larger.  Both are high protein, ground up insects.  They must learn to be fed.  Many of the largest seem …

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Salmon are feeding

The swim up fry are now feeding.  They have to learn to eat food off the surface of the water.  Some of the larger, more developed fry have picked it up right away.  Other are learning to get the food from the surface too.  They don’t seem to eat once the food has fallen to …

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Salmon are Growing

We made it through the Holiday break without feeding the fish!  That was an accomplishment all by itself.  Now that we’re back from break and we’ve done a partial water change we’re ready to crank up the temperature to 52 degrees.  That increase in temperature will help raise the metabolism and hurry along the buttoning …

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Water Testing

We have now hatched out all of our salmon.  They are actively swimming around the tank with short resting periods.  The fish cam seems to be working on a fairly consistent basis so I hope you’re logging on and watching the fish.  The water is now in the process of clearing up.  After the eggs …

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The Salmon have Hatched

It looks like about 90% of our salmon have now hatched.  It’s a very interesting process watching them wiggle out of the clear egg shell.  The clear shell is left behind at the alevin swim around with their yolk sac still attached.  Feeding will begin when about 80% of them are swimming up off the …

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Salmon Begin to Hatch

In the last 24 hours we’ve had 4 eggs hatch.  The little fish called ‘Alevin’ are wiggling around yet still attached to the yolk sac.  The water temperature has remained steady at 47 degrees, so this seems a little early for the eggs to be hatching.  Keep an eye on the camera and hopefully they’ll …

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The Salmon Have Arrived

200 Chinook Salmon have arrived from the Platte River Fish Hatchery.  They have adjusted well to the 47 degree water temperature and are developing inside their eggs.  Looking at the eggs up close their two little black eyes have developed and you can begin to see where their spine is growing.  The kids can see …

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Salmon Arrive in the Classroom

On Thursday, November 6th, 200 salmon eggs from the Oden Fish Hatchery will be introduced in to the fish tank.  The eggs will arrive around 6:00 PM.  The current water temperature will be kept around 48 degrees.  Check out the live webcam and watch them hatch.

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