Category Archive: News

News Items

Floyd Elementary News and Notes


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Middle School Principal News 8/26/11

I would just take the opportunity to thank all the parents, grandparents and students that came in yesterday to pick up student schedule and locker information.  I enjoyed the opportunity to meet you all and am very excited for the coming year.  If you did not have the opportunity to come to pick up your …

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HS Principal News 8/24/11

BCHS Parent Newsletter Here are a few items for this week: 1. Schedule pick up and locker assignments were given out today. If you missed this, you can always stop in the high school office to pick up your schedule and locker assignment. If a student wants to request a schedule change, they need to …

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Important Bus Pass Information

Bus Passes: If it is necessary for your child to ride a different bus or be dropped off at a different location, the office must have a note from the parent/guardian giving permission. This note should be dated, signed, and include the address and phone number of the destination. If a request is made to …

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Schools of Choice Enrollment

Schools of Choice Application 2021-22 (PDF) Applications for the school year are accepted through the first week of school.  

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Pine River Principal News 8/17/11

Dear Pine River Families: We are gearing up for another wonderful year at Pine River Elementary.  The finishing touches from the custodial crew will be occurring in the next few weeks.  Teachers are in the process of setting up their classroom for the new ‘batch’ of students! Please mark your calendars for August 31st from …

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Nutrition Services Frequently Asked Questions 8/17/2011

Dear Parent/Guardian: Children need healthy meals to learn.  Bullock Creek School offers healthy meals every school day.  Students may buy lunch at Middle & High School, Lunch for $2.50 and breakfast for $1.50.  Elementary Students Lunches will be $2.25 and breakfast for $1.35. Your children may qualify for free meals or for reduced price meals.  …

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Elementary Open Houses on August 31st

All Bullock Creek Elementary Buildings are holding an open house this month as listed in our Calendar. Directions and contact information are listed on each building’s respective pages. Wednesday, August 31st: Pine River Elementary – 5:30PM Bullock Creek Elementary – 5:45PM Floyd Elementary – 6:00PM Directions and contact information are listed on each building’s respective …

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HS Principal News 8/17/11

Hello parents and students of Bullock Creek High School. Attached is the welcome back letter for the start of the 2011-12 school year (Parent-Student Summer letter-HS-2011-12 (PDF)). This letter was recently mailed to your home along with other information about the upcoming school year. If you are receiving this letter, you are currently on the high …

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Evolution of Dance sponsored by United Way

United Way of Midland County welcomes Judson Laipply and his “Evolution of Dance” We are thrilled to welcome Judson Laipply as the 2011  United Way Community Kick-off featured presenter. Judson is the creator of “The Evolution of Dance.” With over 170 million YouTube views, it has become the third most popular video of all time. His …

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