Category Archive: Parents

Parents and Community Members

BCHS Reminders…

Dear BCHS Families, 1.  CORRECTION (from a previous note)…BCHS picture day will be held on September 16th 2.  September 10th – BCHS will be hosting a shot clinic for anyone 12 years old and up.  The Midland County Health Department will be offering access to all vaccines at this event. Please see attachment for more information. …

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BCHS News & Notes

Dear BCHS Families, Please read the following… 1.  BC Homecoming parade – Friday, September 24th beginning at 4:30pm at the corner of Patterson and Stewart – ending at the high school (more details to follow – if you have questions regarding the parade, please contact Julie Rinn  Varsity football game following the parade,  game time is set for 7pm. …

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Floyd News and Notes

Floyd Families- What a joy it has been to be back to school with all the children! I’ve seen lots of smiles and waves of hello this week. As we approach the end of the week, here are a few things to share with you: There is no school on Friday, September 3rd or Monday, …

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9/2/21 – Pine River Principal News

Pine River Elementary Families, We have had a great week at Pine River Elementary.  Students have been busy getting to know their teachers and getting back into the swing of school. Below is a link to register for the Sharing Tree program in Midland County.  This program provides a gift to individuals that meet the …

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BCHS News & Notes

Dear BCHS Families, We’ve had a great first week here at the high school.  Students have been busy with classes, athletics, band and a variety of other activities.  Please take a moment and read through the reminders below… 1.  Please remember that students should stay home from school if they are not feeling well, are …

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Aug. 30, 2021 – PikMyKid App Information

Pine River Elementary Families, I wanted to let you know that we had an awesome day today and are looking forward to another great day tomorrow! We are working through all of the hiccups of a new year with PikMyKid.  If everyone could take a few minutes this evening and check the following: When you …

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BCHS News & Notes

Dear BCHS Families, We had a great first day at BCHS!  We have a lot going on this week and I’d like to share a couple of reminders. 1.  Students who have been vaccinated and wish to provide proof to the office, can bring a copy of their vaccination card and turn it in to …

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Pine River – Drop Off/Pick Up Information Inbox

PMK-Parent-App2         PMK-Parent-App1 Pine River Elementary Families, Welcome back to the 2021-22 school year!  The staff at Pine River Elementary is looking forward to seeing students tomorrow. School begins at 8:40 a.m. and ends at 3:40 p.m.  Busses will be running late for the first week of school as bus drivers learn …

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Aug/Sept Breakfast Menu and Aug 30-Sept 10 Lunch Menu

Pine River Elementary Families, Below are the breakfast and lunch menus for the first few weeks of school. There is no charge for the breakfast or lunch served by the school food service.  If your child only wants a milk, there will be a .50 cent charge for the milk. You should have received a …

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BCHS News & Notes

Dear BCHS Families, Just a quick note as we start the school year… 1.  First day of school – Monday, August 30th 2.  BCHS opens the building at 7:20am – classes begin at 7:53am & end at 2:38pm. 3.  All students need to clear the building by 3:00pm – students staying after school for practice/activities must report immediately …

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