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Announcements Today:

Attention Cross Country Runners: the first practice will be this Wednesday after school.  Meet in Room #201 dressed to run.  It’s not too late to join the team!  If you are interested, pick up information in the office.

Students please remember to bring the forms back tomorrow.

Students during lunch you will not be allowed in the hallways to put lunch boxes in your locker or get things from your locker.  Classes are still going on during your lunch and it disrupts the classes.

Dance on Thursday after school from 2:30-4pm. Cost is $3.

Following the dance will be the Open House and Hot Dog Roast from 4-5:30pm.  Bring your family and share a meal together.

Lunch tomorrow Salisbury Steak with potatoes and gravy and dinner roll or Chicken patty, green beans, celery sticks, applesauce, oranges and milk.

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