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Sept 29 Announcements

Tennis practice is cancelled for today.
Math Club will meet TODAY  from 3-5pm in Mrs. Syring’s room!  Come the whole time or drop in as your schedule allows.
CMU is hosting a College Night from 6:30-8:00 at the CMU Events Center TONIGHT with over 40 colleges represented.  There is more information in the Counseling Center about this.
Please sign up in the Counseling Center to meet with following college reps tomorrow:  Kettering University at 12:30 pm and Oakland University at 1:35 pm.
Looking for someone or someplace to play your favorite Trading Card Games?  Come join the TCG Club.  Meetings are every Friday from 2:40 until 4:00 in Mrs Landon’s classroom, room 3B.
Preseason open gyms for any male or female interested in playing basketball this winter will begin this Sunday in the main gym and continue on every Sunday in October.  Open gym for boys interested in playing basketball is from 4:30 to 5:45 and for girls, it is 6:00 to 7:15.
Any questions see Mr. Freeland in room 7D.
Attention Bullock Creek! National Honor Society will be hosting a blood drive on Friday October 16th in our main gym. The drive will run from 8 in the morning to 2 in the afternoon.  There will be sign-ups at both lunches and a sign up sheet in the office.  If you are a first time donor you will need to fill out a green form—16 year olds require a parent signature.  All forms are due the Monday before the drive, October 12th to the main office.  If you have any questions, talk to Mrs. Landon or Madison Hill.

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