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October 27 Announcements

Please sign up in the Counseling Center if you are interested in speaking with the representative from Grand Valley State University tomorrow at 12:30 or Mid-Michigan Community College on Thursday at 2:00 pm.


Reminder to all ladies interested in playing girls basketball this winter – your packet of forms are due to Coach Freeland in room 7D this week.  Also to all girls’ basketball players not currently playing a Fall Sport – there is preseason conditioning offered on Tuesday and Thursday after school.  Meet in Mr. Freeland’s room by 2:55.


Seniors: This Friday, October 30th, graduation orders will be taken in the cafeteria during lunch hours.  Even if you are unsure if you will be graduating with your class, please, order your cap/gown on this day.


Picture Re-takes are Thursday, October 29 after lunches.  Picture order information is available in the main office.  If you are having your picture retaken, please bring your original picture packet with you on Thursday.


Worried that you can’t be a part of the Math Club because of a prior engagement? No sweat, just be there when you can. Meetings are every other week on Tuesdays and the next meeting is TODAY from 3-5pm in Mrs. Syring’s room. Be sure to bring your math questions!


It’s College Application Week!  Spirit days this week are:  Tomorrow is Super Hero Day, Thursday is Get Up and Go Day, and Friday is Black and Gold Day.   Thursday, Student Council will be hosting the first game of College App Week Ultimate Frisbee.  Come and watch as the Seniors take on the rest of the world in this epic showdown in the Main Gym from 3:15-4:00!


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