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October 28 Announcements

Please sign up in the Counseling Center if you are interested in speaking with the representative from Mid-Michigan Community College tomorrow at 2:00 pm.


Something spooky is happening at midnight this Halloween–the price of your yearbook is going up!  Remember to order your yearbook THIS WEEK to avoid paying those extra bucks!  See Mrs. Discher in 5E for an order form.

Seniors:  Graduation orders will be taken this Friday in the cafeteria during both lunch hours.  All seniors should place their cap/gown orders Friday.


Picture Re-takes are tomorrow after lunches.  Please bring your original picture packet with you.


Spirit days:  Tomorrow is Get Up and Go Day, and Friday is Black and Gold Day.   Don’t forget!  Tomorrow, it’s Student Council versus the world in Ultimate Frisbee in the Main Gym from 3:15-4:00!


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