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Announcements for Today

Last night the 7th grade girls basketball team lost their first game of the season 15-30 to Shepherd. Leading the Lancers was Lexi Hartnagle and Sakina Ouda with 4 points a piece. Lauren Bradford lead the team in rebounds with 10.

Lancer Leaders wear your shirts tomorrow.  We will be meeting in Rm #111 during AC.  Please sign out with your AC teacher first.

Food drive ends on Nov. 18 and the winning AC class gets a prize.  Lets get busy and bring to your AC class – non-perishable and non expired food for our food drive.

Report Cards went home yesterday, students remember to take them home.

Spirit Day tomorrow its Wacky Hair Day and on Thursday – Staff bring in $1 to wear jeans and Students 50⊄ to wear hats, and proceeds go to help with our Food Drive.

Lunch tomorrow: Bacon Cheeseburger or Pizza, Sweet Potato Puffs, Baked Beans, Vegetable, fruit & milk.

Reminder: Thursdays-Popcorn on sale for $1 or add cheese for $1.25. Friday mornings donuts on sale before class for $1 with a limited number available.  2H Program at Floyd on Mondays & Wednesday, Tuesdays in #309 with Mr. Laughner and Thursdays #313 with Mr. Habitz.

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