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Announcements for Today

Wrestling Match last night was exciting with Austin Fodo 1 win by pin in just 38 seconds, Sydney Kutzke got her first win of the season with a 3rd period pin, Allie Young picked up a win by pin in the second period, Ben Hurd got a win by pin at 1:03 in the first period, Tyler Kutzke picked up 2 wins both by pin, and Jackson Lambert also picked up 2 wins by pin.  Rough night for some, but all in all we did pretty good and now have something to build on.

Seventh grade students, don’t forget to turn in your used school supplies for Londyn’s Legacy by Tuesday, November 24th to Mrs. Habitz. This is a great opportunity for you to give to someone in need!

Food drive ends Wednesday, Nov. 18 and the winning AC class gets a prize.  Lets get busy and bring to your AC class – non-perishable and non expired food for our food drive.

Lunch Monday: Bosco Cheese Stick with Marinara Dippin Cup or Beef & Cheddar on a Bun, Baby Carrots, Tossed Salad, fruit & milk.

Reminder: Thursdays-Popcorn on sale during lunch for $1 or add cheese for $1.25. Friday mornings donuts on sale before class for $1 with a limited number available.  2H Program at Floyd on Mondays & Wednesday, Tuesdays in #309 with Mr. Laughner and Thursdays #313 with Mr. Habitz.

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