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BCEL News and Notes 9-23-11

Hello BCEL Parents!

It has been another great week here at BCEL!  Thank you for the wonderful
response for volunteers.

News and Notes 9-23-11:

1- Next week is the BCHS homecoming.  Please see the attached flyer about
the parade 🙂

2- Picture day at BCEL is Oct 5th.

3- We have started signing students out in the Cafeteria at the end of the
day instead of the office.  Parents can sign out and pick up their child in
the cafeteria at the end of the day.

4- Please see the attached flyer (below) about the Homecoming Tattoo Sale

5 – Please see the attached flyer concerning the Whitetails Banquet.

Thank you and have a wonderful weekend!

Vicki Mikusko
BCEL – Principal
BC Schools – Special Education Coordinator
631-2418 ext 1105

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