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MS Announcements

Last night we took 5 of 9 matches from the Ithaca yellow jackets.  First up was Eldon Bovee who got after it and pinned his opponent in the first period  Ben Hurd put a bunch of points on the board before turning his opponent and pinning him in the second period Jackson Lambert also picked up his win by way of a first period pin  Braydon Harsh jumped on board with a win by pinning his man in the second period  Tony Mangino got his win by way of pin in the second period.  Also picking up exhibition wins were Austin Johns and Steven Anderson.  Great job Creek Wrestlers.   Next meet will be next Tuesday at home where we will host Ovid Elsie and Frankenmuth.  Go Creek!!
Robotics iCreek & Micro Creek competition is Saturday, and they are meeting here on Tuesday and Thursday after school.  If you would like to help, please make arrangements for pick up.

No 2H at Floyd today.

Popcorn Factory Orders can be picked up here tomorrow until 5:30.

Penny Wars start on Monday!

7th & 8th Grade Boys interested in Boys Basketball, sign up in the office.

Students please remember to bring your jackets for lunch time, you will be going outside a lot this winter and you are not able to go back to lockers during lunch.

Lunch tomorrow:  Tangy Orange Chicken with Brown Rice, Vege Egg Roll and Fortune Cookie or PIzza, Asian Blend Vegetables, Cucumbers, fruit & milk.

Note:   Friday mornings donuts on sale before class for $1 with a limited number available.  2H Program at Floyd on Mondays & Wednesday, Tuesdays at BCMS in #309 with Mr. Laughner & on Thursday at BCMS in #313 with Mr. Habitz.

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