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HS Announcements – December 14, 2015

The Volleyball Tournament this month is CO-ED!  The tournament is this Sunday, December 20 at noon.  Choose your teams and get signed up in the office!  The cost is $10 per player.  See Mrs. Huntoon for details.
Hey Holiday Lancers!  Only a few more days until our holiday break!  Let’s count down with some spirit days for the holidays!  We’ll start this Wednesday and go through Tuesday of next week…
Wednesday–Twin Day: Find a friend and dress alike!
Thursday–Red and Green Day: How much of these holiday’s colors can you pack into one outfit?
Friday–Santa Hat and Holiday Socks Day: Show off your red and white hat and super cool socks!  We’ll have more news on this day later in the week…
Monday–Christmas Morning Outfit: Yep, another way to say pajama day or comfy/cozy day!
Tuesday–Ugly Sweater Day:  You knew this was coming!  Start sewing or glue-gunning now–or invade your grandmother’s closet!  How ugly can your sweater be!?
There will be treats at lunch for all those that participate!  Get in the holiday spirit, Lancers!
Wednesday is Black & Gold Card Day.  Bring your card to lunch and receive a free cookie!
Seniors!  Your baby Pictures, senior portraits, and seniors with siblings pictures are due by Tuesday, December 22!  You can submit your photos by emailing them to Mrs. Discher or bringing in a hard copy in an envelope with your name on it.  It is your responsibility to turn in a baby picture and/or seniors with sibling photo.  Your school ID pictures will be used if you do not turn in a portrait.
Hey you holiday lovin’ Lancers!  Spread the cheer with a “Candy-gram!”  “Candy-grams” cost only 50 cents and will be sold at lunch Tuesday through Friday of this week!  Write a note and have it sent along with a cheery candy cane to your sweetie, someone you wish was your sweetie, or your friends!  “Candy-grams” will be delivered Monday of next week and the money earned will benefit a local food bank.  Spread the cheer!


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