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HS Announcements – December 18, 2015

Hey Holiday Lancers!  Our holiday break is coming fast!  Even with all of the excitement of the holidays coming up, at times we can all feel like life is not fun, be angry for no reason, worry about things, be anxious or stressed, or feel depressed.  Sometimes the excitement of the holidays can exaggerate these mood swings.  Remember that life has fun times and hard times.  If you are experiencing a tough time right now, know that you will get through it because the good will come around again.  So, we are wearing crazy socks and Santa hats today as a reminder that we can get through all the hard times.  Also, remember to be kind to one another…one kind word can change someone’s entire day.  Spread the holiday cheer!
Monday is Christmas Morning Outfit: Yep, another way to say pajama day or comfy/cozy day!
Tuesday is Ugly Sweater Day:  You knew this was coming!  Start sewing or glue-gunning now–or invade your grandmother’s closet!  How ugly can your sweater be!?

Attention Staff and students:  After School Intervention WILL meet next week Monday and Tuesday at 2:50 until 4:05.
“Candy-grams” will be delivered Monday. Thank you to all who participated!  The money earned will benefit a local food bank.

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