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BCMS News & Notes

Welcome back from what I hope was a restful and relaxing break.  I have a few important reminders for everyone.
– We only have a few weeks left of the marking period which will end January 22nd
– 7th Grade boys basketball practice/tryouts will begin on Tuesday, January 5th at 4:45
– 8th Grade boys basketball practice/tryouts will begin on Monday, January 4th at 6:15
– Sports physicals MUST be turned in before the athlete can practice
– 8th Grade students will be participating in the Reality Store on Friday, January 15th from 8:00-12:00.
I want congratulate both of our MS Robotics teams on their hard work during the competition held at the Freeland HS.  It was clearly evident how much time and effort was put into this program.  We we’re very proud to have you represent Bullock Creek MS.  A special thanks to Dave Brown and Gerard Wauldron for leading this team with help from our fantastic parent volunteers.
As a reminder please remember that BCMS ends at 2:25 – all students need to be heading home at that time unless they’re attending one of our 2H programs.
Have a great week!
Curt Moses, Principal

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