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HS Announcements – January 6, 2016

Co-op’s:  All time sheets are due!!
Delta College will be hosting an SAT Workshop.  To register, or for more information, please contact Delta College at www.delta.edu/lifelonglearning or 989.686.9444.
Juniors:  Co-op packets are ready to be picked up in Mrs. Flaminio’s office.
Reminder to National Honor Society members: There will be a group meeting tomorrow, January 7th, in the Distance Learning lab at 2:50.  If you are unable to attend, you must contact Mrs. Landon or Ms. Rubingh.
Bullock Creek NHS is hosting a BLOOD DRIVE next Monday, January 11th, from 2pm – 6pm in the media center.  There is a sign-up sheet in the main office.

*Any first time donors need a green sheet filled out and returned to the office by TOMORROW after school.
*Donors should be 17 (or 16 with a parent signature on green sheet) and 110 pounds or more.
*Donors should be sure to eat a good breakfast/lunch and drink lots of fluids on the day of the drive.
*Bring your parents and grandparents!
One of the coolest parts of graduation is the SENIOR slide show!  If YOU want to be included, you have to submit pictures to the yearbook staff by the end of THIS semester! That’s Friday, January 22.  Remember, we can’t include you in the presentation if you don’t give us pictures to include!  Submit your pictures to Mrs. Discher in 5E or in her mailbox in the main office–or email them!  All pictures will be returned.

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