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HS Announcements – January 12, 2016

It’s Talent Show Time!  If you can dance, sing, play an instrument, act, or entertain, we need you!  If you want to show off your talent at this year’s Talent Show, please attend the “audition” TODAY in the auditorium at 2:45.  If you can’t attend, see Ms. Doud in room 7B ahead of time to get information.
Attention all Students. The Theatre program will be holding open auditions for its spring comedy, “Break a Leg” this Thursday at 3:00 in the Auditorium.  If you have any questions see Mr. Church in room 2A.

One of the coolest parts of graduation is the SENIOR slide show!  If YOU want to be included, you have to submit pictures to the yearbook staff by the end of THIS semester!  That’s Friday, January 22.  Remember, we can’t include you in the presentation if you don’t give us pictures to include!  Submit your pictures to Mrs. Discher in 5E or in her mailbox in the main office–or email them!  All pictures will be returned.

Attention Volleyball Enthusiasts: Pick your teams and get signed up for the January Volleyball Tournament.  This months tournament will be Co Ed.  It’s this Sunday, January 17 at 12:00 in the Auxiliary gym, so get your team signed up now!!  The cost is $10 per player.  Remember, you can have 4 to 6 players on your team, but only 2 current members of the 2015-16 volleyball program per team!
There will be a SEGMENT 1 driver education course starting next Monday, January 18 in room 7E.  There will also be a SEGMENT 2 driver education course starting February 1st.  Check out kingoftheroaddrivingschool.com for details and registration.
Due to our blood drive cancellation this week, Messiah Lutheran will serve as an alternate location for students who are on pace for their donor for life award through Michigan Blood.  Messiah Lutheran Church Blood Drive is this Thursday, January 14 from 2pm to 7pm.
You can walk in at this blood drive – no appointment is necessary.  See you there!

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