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MS Announcements

Attention all middle school artists! Would you like to see your artwork on the cover of the 2015-2016 BCMS yearbook? Enter the Yearbook Cover Contest! Pick up a info sheet in the office and start designing today! Entries can be hand drawn or digitally created. Artwork must be submitted to the office by Thursday, February 11th. Good luck!

There will be a Lancer Leader meeting this Thursday during AC in room 300. Speak with Mrs. Brandt if you have questions.

MS Annual Ski Trip is scheduled for Feb. 18th. More information coming soon.

MS Girls 6-8 grade interested in Softball, sign up in the office.

Lunch tomorrow Chicken Quesadilla or Beef & Bean Burrito w/cheese & Chips or French Bread Pizza, Corn & Black Bean Salsa, Cucumbers, Fruit & Milk
Note: Thursday during lunch Popcorn for sale $1 or with Cheese for $1.25; Friday mornings donuts on sale before class for $1 with a limited number available. 2H Program at Floyd on Mondays & Wednesday, Tuesdays at BCMS in #309 with Mr. Laughner & on Thursday at BCMS in Mr. Habitz #313

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