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1-21-16 Principal News

There has been a tremendous interest in Girls on the Run.  Currently there are 24 Pine River Elementary girls registered for the Spring session. Due to the great response, the coordinator is looking for an additional coach.  If you have an interest in helping out, please contact Ann Horowitz at:
Last week when we had a snow day, you should have received a phone call from School Messenger.  In the future, if you would prefer to have a different phone number used, please send in a written note or email Mrs. Krueger(kruegera@bcreek.org) and state the telephone number you would like listed as the primary phone.  This will be immediately updated in the school system for all students in the district.
Just a reminder on two building procedures:
  • All students (including kindergarten) who are dropped off before students are released from the busses, need to go to the gymnasium and wait until 8:40 a.m.
  • If a student is dropped off after 8:50 a.m., the parent needs to come into the building and sign in the child.
Just a reminder to please check the balance on your child’s lunch account and take care of any outstanding balances.  Updated account information will be coming home with your child either today or tomorrow.  If you have questions regarding your child’s lunch account, please contact Bullock Creek’s Food Manager, Sherrie VanConant @:
Have a wonderful weekend!
Debra Bradford


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