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BCMS News & Notes

Students are now getting adjusted to their new 2nd semester schedules.  Let me remind everyone to please continue checking the WIKI and Skyward for an update on homework and grades.  Let me give you some important dates to add to your calendar…
*February 9th – Our 7th grade is taking part in the Michigan Profile for Healthy Youth Survey supported
                          by the Michigan Departments of Education and Community Health.  The students
                          received this information at the beginning of the week.  I am attaching a copy which
                          also includes an OPT OUT form for students not wanting to take the survey.
*February 11th – MS Dance (students who stay for the dance MUST make arrangements to be picked
                                           up  no later than 4:00)  The MS is posting some student expectations for
                                           the dance.  See attachment.
February 12th –  NO SCHOOL
February 18th –  MS SKI TRIP IS BACK ON!  Thanks to the parents who showed concern for our
                           situation and offered some suggestions and help.  We have limited seats on the bus
                           so it will be a first come first served basis.  If you’re interested, I’m attaching the
For the convenience of our students who bring a cold lunch, we’ve added two microwaves to the cafeteria for student use.  We have posted rules for the proper use of these units.  Students are welcome to use the microwaves.  If you’re sending a lunch that needs to be warmed, please review these rules with your child.
Microwave Rules:  Food may be HOT: Be CAREFUL, cover food while heating, NO metal in the microwave, do not leave food unattended.
**Students should not use the microwave if they are not comfortable with the operation of the unit.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Curt Moses, Principal

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