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BCMS News & Notes

 I hope families are enjoying the long weekend, although the forecast is for the coldest yet this year.  Before we start next week, let me share some important information.
*Southtown little league is preparing for this year’s season and is ready to sign up athletes.  Please see the attachment if your child is interested in playing ball this year.
*Our MS ski trip to Snow Snake is back on and scheduled for February 18th – limited seating available – forms must be submitted by Monday.
*J. Ranck Electric is hosting a Skilled Trades Night, this is a fantastic opportunity for students to learn about careers in the trades field.  For more information see the attachment.
Attention 8th grade students . . . . . .Turn in your pink scheduling sheets AS SOON AS POSSIBLE to Mrs. Fermoyle.  These need to be turned in so that you can schedule your classes for 9th grade.  If you need another copy or have any questions, please see Mrs. Fermoyle
Have a wonderful weekend and bundle up!
Curt Moses, Principal

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