Co-op’s: ALL time sheets are due TODAY!
If you are planning to participate in an off-campus program next year, all applications and permission slips must be completed, signed, and turned in by the end of the day TODAY.
Juniors and Seniors: Those of you invited to fill out an NHS resume, please remember they are due to an adviser by 3:00 tomorrow.
Seniors – College Cash Campaign began February 1st which means it’s time to get those FAFSA’s in. Seniors who complete their FAFSA will get a dollar sign cookie delivered to them in class at the end of each week for this month. They will also get a raffle ticket they can enter to win one of five gift baskets, a mini fridge, or pair of prom tickets! Not to mention, the English 12 class with the highest FAFSA completion by March 15th will win a pizza party! If you need help with your FAFSA or have any questions about financial aid, come to the counseling office and talk to Mrs. Brown or Mr. Bonello.
A huge “Congratulations!” to our girl’s Varsity bowling team for winning the 2015-2016 conference title this weekend. As a first year team, the girls had 10 wins and 2 losses, with 8 consecutive wins in the last 4 weeks. The high conference game was 231 from senior, Kim Bolesky. Great job ladies and good luck at regionals!