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MS Announcements

Attention 8th grade students . . . . . .Turn in your pink scheduling sheets AS SOON AS POSSIBLE to Mrs. Fermoyle.  These need to be turned in so that you can schedule your classes for 9th grade.  If you need another copy or have any questions, please see Mrs. Fermoyle

2H Today in Mr. Laugner’s Room #309

Robotics Club meeting today.

There will be a meeting for all 8th Graders interested in football in the fall on Thursday, Feb. 18th in the library during AC.  You will be called down so report to AC first for attendance.

Try Hockey for FREE on Sat. Feb. 20th at Midland Civic Arena.  More information available in the office.

Lunch tomorrow: Ravioli w/Garlic Toast or Pizza or Chips & Cheese,  Carrots & Celery, Caribbean Blend Vegetables, Fruit & Milk

Note: Thursday during lunch Popcorn for sale $1 or with Cheese for $1.25; Friday mornings donuts on sale before class for $1 with a limited number available. 2H Program at Floyd on Mondays & Wednesday, Tuesdays at BCMS in #309 with Mr. Laughner & on Thursday at BCMS in Mr. Habitz #313

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