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HS Announcements – February 16, 2016

BlitzCreek Robotics would like to thank everyone who gave or helped with our water drive.  We delivered 287 cases of water to Flint last night.  We couldn’t have done it without you!
Juniors and Seniors:  NHS resumes must be returned to an adviser by 3:00 TODAY.
Did you miss out on a 2014-2015 yearbook?  You’re in luck!  The Lancer Shield staff will be selling a few extra copies on Wednesdays during lunch!  The cost is $60.  You can also pick up your order form for the 2016 edition at this time.
Chocolate Chip and Oatmeal Raisin Frosted Cookies will be on sale in the lobby TOMORROW during lunches.  Be sure to bring your dollar tomorrow to get one of these great treats and help support our BCHS Cheerleading teams.
Seniors – Those of you who complete their FAFSA will get a cookie delivered to them in class at the end of each week for this month.  They will also get a raffle ticket they can enter to win one many great prizes!  The English 12 class with the highest FAFSA completion by March 15th will win a pizza party!  If you need help with your FAFSA or have any questions about financial aid, come to the counseling office and talk to Mrs. Brown or Mr. Bonello.

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