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HS Announcements – February 18, 2016

NHS Members:  Just a reminder that there will be a brief meeting after school TODAY in the Distance Learning Lab.  See you there!
Freshman & Junior Class Officers & Rep are asked to see Mrs.Sweebe in room 6A as soon as possible.
Every year people in our community are unable to afford the necessities for keeping up personal hygiene.  We are asking you to help them by donating toiletries such as toothpaste, shampoo, deodorant and more.  February 22- 26, drop off your donations in the boxes placed throughout the school.  Your contributions will make a big impact in the lives of those in our community.​
Seniors who complete their FAFSA will be entered in a drawing for one of many great prizes!  And, the English 12 class with the highest FAFSA completion will win a pizza party!  If you need help with your FAFSA, see Mrs. Brown or Mr. Bonello in the counseling office.

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