I hope everyone has an opportunity to get outside and enjoy the beautiful day. The forecast shows the temperature reaching a balmy 52 degrees today. I will keep my note short, but let me share a few things happening at the MS.
*Think spring! I am attaching a couple of notes from both Westown and Southtown baseball/softball. Please take a look at them if you’re interested in having your child play ball this spring.
*The 2H program at Floyd Elementary has been cancelled. The program on Tuesday/Thursday after school here at the BCMS will still be available.
Please let me remind everyone that the MS has a dress code. I’m asking that all students follow our Board approved dress code so that we can focus our efforts on educating students. For your convenience I’m attaching a copy of our policy to this note.
Thank you to both Deb Willsie and Dale Laughner for organizing our MS ski trip. That’s a huge task and responsibility. I appreciate the time and effort of our volunteers that also help make this trip possible. Thank you.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Curt Moses, Principal