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Today at BCMS

Attention All Cross Country Team Members-the meet today will still take place at Stratford Woods.  It has NOT been cancelled.

Popcorn will be sold Thursday during the last 15 minutes of  each lunch.  Plain popcorn is $1 and cheese popcorn is $1.25

Friday is Black & Gold Day, in honor of our Homecoming Football Game and Homecoming Parade starting at 4:30 pm.  Wear Black and Gold colors on Friday!!!

Homecoming T-Shirts will be sold tomorrow during lunch hours for $10

Students please check in the lost and found.  Any items left on Friday will be donated.

All 7th and 8th grade students are invited to go on the Grand Canyon trip June 9th to 13th. See Mr. Brown for registration information.

Lunch tomorrow: Beef Taco’s with Lettuce & Cheese Cup, Refried Beans, Apple Crisp, and Fresh Fruit & Vegetables, Milk.

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