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BCMS News & Notes

Another snowy day in Bullock Creek.  The roads are already bad and the worst is yet to come.  Be careful if you’re out and about today.
I will be brief but let me pass on some important information.
Parent/Teacher conferences on Thursday, March 3rd will be drop-in only.  The teachers will be set up by grade level and in a common area.  Hopefully this will be more efficient for parents.  6th grade teachers will be in the library, 7th grade will be in the cafeteria and 8th grade will greet parents in the gym.  If you don’t receive an invitation for conferences on the 7th, please stop and see us on the 3rd.
Last call flyer for Westown Softball is attached.  If you haven’t yet registered there is still time.
Here is a request for Band volunteers from Sandy LaPrad…
Hello 8th grade Band parents!
 Are you looking for a ride to the Band Festival on Saturday March 12th? We have just the solution! Looking for 4 parents to chaperone the kids on the bus ride to and from St John’s for the Festival. The busses will be leaving Bullock Creek Middle School at 6:30am and will be returning at 2pm. If you want to spend a great trip aboard the bus please let me know! If you are only traveling one way-maybe another parent is driving there-let me know that too! Thanks for helping out-our kids can’t have these great experiences without the help of the parent volunteers!
Sandy’s email:  smlaprad@yahoo.com
Have a great week,
Curt Moses, Principal

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