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HS Announcements – March 14, 2016

Robotics Team:  Please report to the cafeteria immediately after school in your yellow shirt for pictures.
Parent-Teacher Conferences are tomorrow, March 15 from 4 – 7:30, and Thursday, March 17 from 3 – 6:30pm.
​Attention Students:  After School Intervention (ASI) is cancelled for this week due to Parent-Teacher Conferences.
Math Club members: There will be no meeting this week. Our next meeting will be Tuesday, March 22nd in Mrs. Syring’s room.  Bring your ideas for t-shirts!
FYI ladies – The free Prom Dress give away this Thursday, Friday, and Saturday is at the NORTH Midland Family Center.
Attention all students: Are you up for a good laugh? If you answered yes, then come on out to see BCHS Theatre’s production of “Break A Leg”.  Performances are March 18th, 19th and 20th at 7, 7, and 3.  Tickets are $5 and will be sold at the door.Want to see “Break a Leg” for FREE? Do you need volunteer hours?  Then find Mr. Church in room 2A and volunteer to be  ticket taker  for one or all of the productions of “Break a Leg”.  Spots will be filled on a first come first serve basis.
The NHS BLOOD DRIVE is this Friday.  The sign-up sheet is available in the main office.  Donors must be at least 110 pounds and 17 years old, or 16 with a parent signature.   
Chippewa Nature Center is looking for volunteers to assist with Nature Day Camp program. Teens between the ages of 13 and 17 are asked to dedicate 2 weeks of their summer to helping kids have a great time enjoying the outdoors at camp. In return, these teens receive volunteer hours, experience in a fun, supportive, work-like environment, training and coaching, and the opportunity to spend some of their summer working outdoors with children. Applications are available in the Lancer Lounge.
Dow Science and Sustainability Education Center is offering a paid summer internship to students to participate in scientific research.  This opportunity is for students who will be going into 10th, 11th or 12th grade in the fall.  If you would like more information, you can pick up a letter of information in the Lancer Lounge.
SVSU in looking for juniors to participate in the Consumers Energy Engineering Talent Development Program for the Fall Term.  The purpose of the program is to increase students’ interest and academic preparation to pursue careers in electrical engineering or alternative energy.  Please stop by the Lancer Lounge for more information.
Seniors, the list of scholarships was recently updated.  Check it out on our website or in the Lancer Lounge.
Remember students, you must pay your lunch charges before spring break.

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