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HS Announcements – March 17, 2017

Soccer players – The girls’ JV Soccer team is still looking for a few more soccer players.  Anyone interested should contact Coach Bob Linton.
Attention all students: Come on out to BCHS Theatre’s production of “Break A Leg” tomorrow night, Saturday or Sunday at 7, 7, and 3.  Tickets are $5 at the door.  
For best results, students who have signed up to donate blood should drink plenty of fluids and eat a healthy breakfast tomorrow.  Thank you for donating!
Seniors:  If you will be attending Delta College in the fall, please sign up to meet with the Delta representative on Monday, March 21, at either 10 am or 1 pm., in the Counseling office.
Attention Volleyball players:  Tomorrow there will be a brief meeting during both lunches for anyone interested in playing volleyball next fall.

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