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HS Announcements – April 6, 2016

  • Attention Student Council Members:  Please check your mailboxes TODAY.
  • If you are dual enrolling at Delta in the fall, please make sure you have completed all of your “Next Steps” so that you are ready to register for classes tomorrow in the Lancer Lounge.  If you have any questions, please stop by and see Mrs. Brown.
  • Attention Seniors!!  Jostens will be here TOMORROW during lunch hours for order delivery.
  • University of Michigan-Flint has scheduled a visit on April 11th at 10 am.  Please sign up in the Counseling Center, if you are a junior or senior, to meet with the representative if you are interested.
  • Attention students, want to see a teacher get a whipped cream pie to the face during lunch? How about your own vice principal? Well, this week is your chance to donate to Pies For Paws!  Through April 8th, representatives from the Senior class will be collecting any and all coins and spare change to donate to the local Humane Society! Your victims are Mr. Tomko, Mrs. Syring, Mr. Olinger, and finally Mrs. Forbes! This week during first and second lunch there will be a donation table dedicated to the Humane Society, and whomever receives the highest donation, as well as second place, will receive a whipped cream pie to the face during first and second lunches! 100% of donations will be given to our local Humane Society to help aide the care of local shelter animals, whether it be medical care or adoption. Donations will continue throughout the rest of the week.
  • Reminder:  The next Creekers for a Cause meeting will be next Wednesday, April 13th.

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