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HS Announcements – April 7, 2016

  • University of Michigan-Flint has scheduled a visit on April 11th at 10 am.  Please sign up in the Counseling Center, if you are a junior or senior, to meet with the representative if you are interested.
  • Attention students, want to see a teacher get a whipped cream pie to the face during lunch? How about your own vice principal? Well, this week is your chance to donate to Pies For Paws!  Through tomorrow, representatives from the Senior class will be collecting any and all coins and spare change to donate to the local Humane Society! Your potential victims are Mr. Tomko, Mrs. Syring, Mr. Olinger, and finally Mrs. Forbes!  Donate during first and second lunch to the Humane Society, and whomever receives the highest donation, as well as second place, will receive a whipped cream pie to the face during first and second lunches!  100% of donations will be given to our local Humane Society to help aide the care of local shelter animals, whether it be medical care or adoption. 
  • “Jobs 101” will be offered every Wednesday, from April 6- May 25, at 3:30-5:30 PM at The Greater Midland Community Center.  “Jobs 101” will explore a number of different skills to help you find, get, and keep a job as well as a handful of exciting career paths.  You will learn how to write and maintain a resume, interview techniques, information on creating and submitting job applications, networking and why it is so important, team building, and much more.  While attending class you will receive hands on experience, and potential job opportunities with local employers.  COMPLETION OF THIS PROGRAM GUARANTEES YOU A JOB INTERVIEW AT A LOCAL ORGANIZATION WITH ACTUAL JOB OPENINGS!  Careers we will explore include the arts, sports/recreation, technology, chemical, construction, and business!  “Jobs 101” is FREE to all high school students.  If you are interested in participating in Jobs 101 program, please sign up by contacting The ROCK at 989.835.2542 or by emailing tyler@therockc4yd.org
  • The ROCK is inviting all middle and high school students to join them on a trip to Cedar Point on June 23rd!  They will be leaving the Greater Midland Community Center at 6AM and will be returning to the Greater Midland Community Center at 12:30AM the next morning.  Your $125 payment includes transportation, park admission, all day supervision, an unlimited drink bracelet, lunch, snacks, and a t-shirt. STUDENTS MUST BE REGISTERED AND PAID BY 6/16/2016.  For more information please call our office at 989.835.2542 or email lacey@therockc4yd.org

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