- University of Michigan-Flint has scheduled a visit on Monday, April 11th at 10 am. Please sign up in the Counseling Center, if you are a junior or senior, to meet with the representative if you are interested.
- Attention National Honor Society members: This is a reminder that your cookie dough order forms are due THIS Monday, April 11th by 3:30 p.m. Also, we have a full group meeting on Thursday, April 14th at 2:50 in the Media Center. If you are unable to attend, you must contact Ms. Rubingh or Mrs. Landon.
- “Jobs 101” will be offered every Wednesday until May 25 at 3:30-5:30 PM at The Greater Midland Community Center. This FREE class explores a number of different skills to help you find, get, and keep a job as well as a handful of exciting career paths. COMPLETION OF THIS PROGRAM GUARANTEES YOU A JOB INTERVIEW AT A LOCAL ORGANIZATION WITH ACTUAL JOB OPENINGS! If you are interested in participating in the “Jobs 101” program, please sign up by contacting The ROCK at 989.835.2542.
- The ROCK is inviting all middle and high school students to join them on a trip to Cedar Point on June 23rd! Your $125 payment includes transportation, park admission, all day supervision, an unlimited drink bracelet, lunch, snacks, and a t-shirt. STUDENTS MUST BE REGISTERED AND PAID BY JUNE 16, 2016. For more information please call our office at 989.835.2542.