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BCMS News & Notes

The BCMS is full of activity this week.  Last night there was a great turnout for the STEM night at the BCHS.  There were fantastic, kid friendly stations that demonstrated the practical and fun side of science and math.  Thanks to Dave Brown and all of the volunteers throughout the community that gave their time and skills to make this such a success.
8th grade is finishing up their M-STEP testing this week.  On April 27th our 6th grade students will begin their testing.  Good luck 6th grade, this is a great opportunity to show how much you’ve learned this year.
Dress code reminder…As warmer weather approaches please remember the dress code still applies.  Here’s a reminder for some of the more common things we see…
-shirts must have sleeves that cover the shoulder
-skirts and shorts MUST be the appropriate length (the bottom hem must be no higher than a pop can length from the middle of the knee) Please measure this at home if it is questionable.
-no leggings, yoga, spandex type pants
*Students will need to change if they’re wearing an item that violates the dress code.  We will give them the option to chose something from the clothes closet or call and have something from home brought to them.
*8th grade students attending the Mackinaw Island trip must have their money and forms to their AC teacher by May 13th.
*We have exceeded the number of snow days allowed by the state this year.  We will have a full day on June 9th and a half day on June 10th to make up for the lost time.  I’m attaching a letter from Mr. Hale explaining the details.
Have a great weekend!
Curt Moses

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