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BCMS News & Notes

Greetings from BCMS,
We’re busy this time of year with a lot of student activities going on this month.  Let me share a few activities for your calendar.


-May 17th Track Meet @ BCMS 4:00
-May 19th Band Concert @ BCHS Auditorium 6:30(6th grade) 7:30 (7th grade)
-May 20th 5th grade orientation
-May 27th Staff/Student Basketball game
-M-STEP testing next week for 7th grade
Volleyball sign up sheets are in the office for the fall season.
*IMPORTANT MESSAGE from Track Coach Meyer…We are in need of 18, yes 18, volunteers to help with the track meet on Tuesday.  This meet cannot take place without the help of volunteers.  Please consider helping out on during the meet on Tuesday.  The running events begin at 4:00.  Please email Ms. Meyer (meyera@bcreek.org) if you’re willing to help.
Here is a message for our band students…
“It’s that time again! The Middle School Band Spring Concert is rapidly approaching and we need the help of a few volunteers to help with the concerts. Looking for volunteers to help sell tickets, monitor kids while they wait for their stage appearance and also to help hand out programs for both the 6th grade concert and the 7th & 8th grade concert on Thursday May 19th. You won’t miss any of your child’s performance! If you are interested please email me at smlaprad@yahoo.com or call 835-1180.

**Also looking for someone to take over the role of Middle School Parent Volunteer Coordinator for next year-if you are interested please contact me for this as well and I can go over the role during the band concert time.
Thanks to all who have helped to make these concerts run smoothly! We can’t do it without you!
***Bullock Creek has received a waiver from the State of Michigan forgiving 1 of our snow days.  This means that we are returning to the original student calendar that has our last day as June 9th and we’ll be releasing students at 11:00.  Please see the attached letter from Mr. Hale for additional details.
****I’m attaching a letter written by Mr. Hale explaining this year’s bond renewal.  Mr. Hale provides details about the bond in his letter.  Please take a moment to read through the information.  For even more information please search ‘Bullock Creek Bond Election’ on facebook and visit the newly created page.
The Rock has some great summer events scheduled.  Please visit their website for more informaiton.  http://www.therockc4yd.org/events/
Have a wonderful weekend,
Curt Moses

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