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August 2, 2016 Bond Election

May 13, 2016

Dear Bullock Creek Community:

At the April 2016 School Board meeting, the Bullock Creek Board of Education voted unanimously in favor of placing an 8 year and approximately 2 mill bond request on the August 2, 2016, ballot. This bond, if approved, will be used to remodel, equip, and renovate aging facilities. The major focus of this work is to improve safety measures for students and staff, increase facility operating efficiency, and replace aging equipment. Currently, there is a bond that will come off the tax roll at the end of 2016. This new bond will replace the existing bond, which will result in NO anticipated tax increase for Bullock Creek School District taxpayers. Bullock Creek School District does not anticipate increasing the current 7 mill rate through this bond proposal but are simply asking tax payers to consider continuing to pay their current rate.

During this past 15 years of struggling economy, the Bullock Creek School District has made every effort to be as fiscally responsible as possible. Revenue received through foundation allowance and student enrollment has only increased slightly while the cost of facility operations, fuel, State retirement tax, health insurance, and educational supplies have increased significantly. When considering crucial replacement of aging roofs, aging boilers, electrical upgrades, technology upgrades, parking lot replacements, bus purchases, and facility upgrades, it becomes very difficult to make these necessary improvements.

Within each of our buildings, you will find posters of the planned work with this 3 series bond. You may also visit www.bcreek.org to gather more information and view information about the work that has been completed with previous bond funds. If you know that you may be out of town during the August 2, 2016 election, you may receive an absentee ballot by contacting your Township Clerk’s office. Thank you for your voting at this August 2, 2016, election. It truly is a great day to be a Lancer!


Shawn J. Hale


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