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HS Announcements – May 23, 2016

  • Seniors, it is not too late to earn some scholarship money.  Check out our website or the bulletin board in D-Wing for an updated list.
  • The last Black & Gold Card day is this Wednesday, May 25th.  Bring your card to lunch and receive a free cookie!

  •  Hey Lancers young and old!  This is the last week for our beloved seniors!  We’d better find a way to “Kiss them Good-bye!”  “Kiss-a-Senior Good-bye” will be sold at lunches.  Simply fill out a slip and the slip and a chocolate kiss will be delivered to your senior at graduation rehearsal.  They’re only 25 cents each so send as many as you’d like to wish your friends good luck in the future!
  • Reminder to anyone interested in playing women’s basketball next year – there is information available about our summer basketball schedule in Mr. Freeland’s room, 7D.
  • Hey Students!  The National Honor Society will be collecting used school materials so when you clean out your locker, make sure to throw your reusable school materials in the NHS labeled bins.  Thanks!

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