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6-1-16 Principal News

On Tuesday, lunch balance information was sent home with students.  If you could please send in payment for the amount that is due and also future charges through June 9, that would be greatly appreciated.
Also, library books need to be returned.  Please remind your child to return the school library books ASAP.
A reminder of Field Day/Picnic day one week from today – June 8.  Field Day activities begin at 10:00 a.m.  Be sure to look for the information from your child’s teacher regarding the activities that will be in the classroom prior to Field Day.
Picnic Donation Reminder:
3rd grade students  –    Please bring in a bag of cheese sticks.
4th grade students  –    Johnson & Miller please bring in a box of fruit snacks.
Revell/Swears & Otey please bring in a box of granola bars.
5th grade students  –    Please bring in a package of store bought cookies.
All items should be brought in to your classroom by FRIDAY, JUNE 3rd.
Below is the Pine River lunch menu for the month of June.
June 2016
Attached you will find various flyers on summer volleyball camp, cross country information for incoming 6th graders, and a soccer clinic this summer.
From the Middle School:  Attention upcoming 6th grade students and families: The Bullock Creek
Middle School Cross Country Team is looking for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade boys and girls for the 2016 fall season. Cross country is a great opportunity to challenge yourself, get in shape, and meet new friends. No previous running experience is necessary! Cross country is also the only in-school sport available to 6th grade students at BCMS.  Check out the flyer for more information!
Have a great rest of the week!
Debra Bradford

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