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8/29/16 Principal News – OPEN HOUSE

It will not be long now and we will be welcoming your child to Pine River Elementary for the new school year!  The building looks great and teachers have been busy preparing for the students.
It has come to our attention that there is a bit of a conflict with the Open House times between Pine River Elementary and Bullock Creek Elementary.  To accommodate those families who have children at both buildings, teachers at Pine River Elementary will be available beginning at 5:15 p.m. until 6:15 p.m.  We are looking forward to meeting with the students and parents and hope this will help with your busy schedule.
There are a few backpacks that have been donated.  We will have these available at the Open House.
If you are interested in participating in the Community Colors Run, please go to: GREATERMIDLAND.ORG/RACES.  This is a wonderful community event in which to participate.
Speaking of running…Girls on the Run will be offered at Pine River in the Spring.  If you are thinking of volunteering as a coach or an assistant coach, please let me know.  There is a required training that will be provided.
Have a wonderful Monday and we will see you Wednesday evening at the Open House!

Debra Bradford

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