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Pine River Principal News – FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL INFO

It is almost time to welcome in the 2016-17 school year!  I would like to share with you just a few informational pieces to help tomorrow run as smoothly as possible.
First of all, if you are dropping off your child at Pine River, be sure to follow the blue parent line for drop offs.  Students who are dropped off prior to 8:40 a.m. can go into the gymnasium and wait until all students are released at 8:40 a.m.
If you are planning on walking your child into the building on Tuesday, please be sure to park in the area that is not in the bus lane or the bus loading zone.  Also, if you are waiting with your child, you will need to wait at the front of the hallway until all students are released at 8:40 a.m.
If your child is not going to their home address, please send a note in with your child.  This will help teachers as they begin to learn the schedules of students.  Please discuss with your child where they are to go after school.  Students MUST have a note from the parent if they will be picked up on any given day or riding a different bus than the regularly scheduled bus.  Students without a note will be placed on the bus.
If you are picking up your child at the end of the day, you need to come into the office and sign your child out on one of the sign out sheets.  Once you have done this, parents/guardians will need to wait in the front hallway until students are released.  Due to our School Safety Procedures, it is not permissible to go down the hallway to pick up your child.  If you need your child before the release time, let Mrs. Krueger know and she will call down and have your child sent to the office for pick up.
Regular school breakfast and lunches will be available starting the first day of school.  Students who ride the bus and would like breakfast will be released early in order to finish breakfast before the start of the school day.
Have a wonderful evening and we will see you tomorrow!
Debra Bradford


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